Young Adventurers Online

What in the world is it?

Young Adventurers Online is a kids’ Dungeons and Dragons game played over the internet. This means that the Young Adventurers will meet to play D&D using Zoom, instead of meeting in person.

How do i get started?

Getting started is a simple as finding the session that works for you by clicking here. After you have purchased your Young Adventurer’s session(s) we will contact you with your Zoom information.

What time frame are we looking at?

With schools being closed due to social distancing, Zulu’s Board Game Cafe is opening up more time slots for Young Adventurers to participate in. Additionally Young Adventurers will be able to participate in more than one session a week. We will continue with these schedules until the schools re-open.

What is this going to cost me?

Session costs very depending on the frequency. The prices are detailed here. After the initial purchase invoices will be sent out for subsequent sessions. In the case that your Young Adventurer isn’t able to use their purchased sessions, you can be refunded.

What is Dungeons and Dragons?

If you have never played a role playing game before, on the computer or on the table top, it’s best to think of it like a collaborative story. The game is run much like a radio drama, where each actor or player has a character that they voice and describe the actions of. The narrator or Dungeon Master describes the scene and voices all the side characters. And then to add to the drama, dice and a character bio help decided if the players succeed or fail at a challenge. Wizard of the Coast explains this process in more detail; click here to see it.

What is a campaign, story arc, or session?

The easiest way of thinking about it is to compare the game to a TV show. A session of D&D is like an episode of a TV show. A story arc is like one season. And the campaign is like the show as a whole, from pilot episode to the series finale.

What are the Dungeon Masters bringing to the table?


I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons for 20 years. I started playing at 12 at a local hobby store. The game has had a profound effect on me over the years. That is why it brings me such joy to share the experience with a new generation of young adventurers. The experience of almost 2 decades of playing and running the game along with a collector’s attitude means I have collected quite a few play aids to help young adventurers engage in the story. These include but are not limited to maps, map tiles, miniatures, spell cards, and most of the 5th edition books in both hard back and digital form.



I’m sorry what is all that?

These are some of the things they bring to the table.